Monday, December 29, 2008

Some Christmas Pictures

The Tree at 2:00am Christmas Morning....yeah we were still up
Some of those toys are not new....but the after math
The gear machine...HUGE HIT
Animal Train
We had a hard time getting him to unwrap presents once he saw the other toys

Oh the over stimulation....Grumpy McGrumpy pants later Christmas Day

Mommy's awesome presents....Rob Zombie autographed Halloween Sticker and a TOTAL SKULL HODDIE!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Moment # 8

Angel and Tommy - 12/17 edition

Shortly After Tommy came home from his final exam and I finished mine online
A: I finished my final...we are DONE!!
T: What do you want to do?
A: Wanna go to bed? (to sleep)
T: Yup!

We haven't gotten to bed before midnight in a long time. Being in bed at 10:00pm felt really good!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Moment # 7

This morning...oh this morning, what a dumb morning!

Any whoo

Jake decided to have a fit about his coat this morning. It wasn't his coat it was a hoddie, and he DID NOT what to wear it. He wanted his coat, which Daddy left at the sitters yesterday. The coat was not an option. Why is my moment about Jake's temper tantrum, well because in the middle of his fit, he walked his little butt straight back to his room, and started trying to get into his bed. "sleep, sleep"....
Oh buddy how we all want to go back to bed!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Moments #6

The ABC's

Jake - the kid blows my mind sometimes. Maybe its just me being new to this parent thing, but I didn't expect him to comprehend the alphabet so soon.

We have been reading a couple ABC books lately...and now he is pointing out letters everywhere. On his floor mat he just sits and points to all the different letters. On the ride home tonight he started yelling about letters on a billboard/sign. I have to say I am quite amazed.

He is picking things up so fast. His little mind fascinates me.

Yet all it takes to make him happy is a box with holes cut out:

My Moments #5

Angel and Tommy moment : Things only we understand

Domestic Violence over some brownies.
A: "Did you really just hit me over a brownie"
T: "Brownies are the only thing I will ever hit you over"
Tommy then proceeded to stuff a whole lot of brownie in his mouth at one time.
We are such Fat kids.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Minute Writer #3

Today's Writing Prompt: Scar story
from One Minute Writer by C. Beth

Share the story of how you got a scar (or any injury, even if a scar didn't result.)

My scar comes from being hit in the head with a door. When I was in High school I was trying to peak out the crack of a door before opening night of our school show "Little shop of Horrors". I was the costume and makeup director! I saw her coming I just didn't move soon enough. Then Blam! 4 stitches above my left eyebrow and I didn't get to do my costume changes.


101 Things to do with a toy drum?? Oh the things I walk in on :)