Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'll have what he's having....

Dear James,

You know how we had that convo last week about you and your need to motivate? and how I yelled at you and told you to get your shit together? Yeah...Tonight I am in need of one of those talks. Lets make that happen soon...I need some good motivation.


I feel like shit!! I have had this weird non sinus, sinus drainage thing going on for like 4 or 5 days now and a pretty good fever. yuck! Thursday I took off work and slept ALL day. OK from like 8 to 2 but still. I am sitting here now blogging instead of working on my paper that is due Wednesday or reading anything...I can't focus at all tonight. I think I might call it a night and bust ass tomorrow and get shit done!

I bought an acorn squash this weekend just because I have never had acorn squash before. Really the little things in life make all the difference.

Tommy's grandma passed away this weekend. He seems pretty bummed. I think we are going out to Chicago next week. I have never been. I hope Jake does OK on a plane.

Makes me miss my grandma.

Tasha bridal shower was fun. All of her and Mark's family think I am some sort of bad ass. Makes me giggle. I had to admit to my Mom a couple of things I had done today. Like the liquor we stole(from her) for senior week and hid in the spare tire compartment of my trunk. I'm 24 you can't ground me now! "Oh I've heard about you" that's all I heard today. I bought Tasha a bunch of naughty present didn't get opened in front of everyone :) God I hope I never have to open lingerie that my mother in law gives to me as a gift. WEIRD!

We took our second trip to Maymont ( Saturday. I LOVE Maymont!! Tommy and I got quite the workout while Jake got to explore the park. There is SO much there to do, its 10 minutes away and its free. LOVE IT! I want to work there. I would pick up trash as long as I got to wander around the park all day. I check like 3 times a week for job openings at the park. One day.......

I promised myself I would get to bed by 11 tonight. I got 5 minutes.