Thursday, October 16, 2008

Teaching the kiddo

I have recently become very interested in different teaching methods for toddlers/preschoolers. For obvious reasons.

I have been working on making the most of the time we do have together, being less restrictive, and letting Jake explorer and learn in his own ways. But at the same time providing him with some structured activities. Essentially methods to the madness.

The way I understand it - learn by playing, doing, not lecture. Allow for creativity, free thought, and experimentation. All the while making sure that the resources available serve a propose and that you are available to help and explain if need be.

We have a Montessori school right around the corner. The are a bit pricey, but I have them sending me info and they offer aid. Sooo I definitely need to do my homework and make sure its the right fit for us as a preschool. Check um out

Reading up on this teaching method has been pretty inspiring. Granted I have just been doing some Internet searching. Montessori books are one the amazon wish list this year for Christmas.

Jake and I have been quite the crafty duo lately. Thanks to all the wonderful blogs to the right. I started a couple weeks ago doing a color of the week. I was looking for something to fill the time between when we got home and before we ate dinner. We started by learning the sign for the color of the week, then we went to color collages, painting with one color, searching the house for color, sorting color all sorts of things. Jake gets so excited now when he tells you about blue or red. BLUE!!!! that all I here some nights. I love it. I have some ideas for things I want to make, clothing boards, activity bags, felt boards...omg the things I have planned :). Poor Tommy.


working on a red color collage


Finger Painting with BLUE!!

This I think is also helping in the area of discipline. Not Jake so much but me. Working with him more and having controlled projects and play helps me not yell "no, no, no don't touch that, stop that, JAKE" . I mean I still do. We haven't go the whole positive discipline things down yet. Me being a mommy is still a work in progress. Patience is not one of my strong suits and Jake is a normal toddler with an attention span of a flea. I see a lot of parents that take toddler hood as a miserable time in their life. Oh the terrible twos...etc. I take pride what my child is a curious little boy. He is full of energy, playful, loving, adventurous and not a Satan spawn on a rampage of destruction.

Please don't get me wrong. I don't have every hour of every day planned with some sort of activity, or learning experience. I have to get things done too. But I am definitely out of the mind set of just entertaining the beast until nap time.

Jake, Tommy and I we do what we do. If that's just a walk around the block with a few pit stops to stare at the clouds, birds, or trees then that's what it is.

Anyway more Pictures.

I LOVE HALLOWEEN!! So our crafts lately our Halloween based. Halloween crafts, Halloween books, pumpkins, bats, witches, ghosts....did I mention I love Halloween. So here are the projects we have done thus far. Thanks to No Time for Flashcards for the ideas!!!

Markers are always a hit. Making the background for his hand bat.

Painting with pumpkins

Pumpkin Prints

We have done a couple more different things, I just didn't get the camera out soon enough.

Bottom line, we are having fun!

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