Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mad Science

Make Shift Activity #2 - Mad Science

Soooo this activity was suppose to be an experiment with color – Mixing primary colors to get secondary colors (yellow + blue = green), but it turned into more of a pouring activity. Which is fine! We got in some good talking in about colors; I showed him how to make green and purple and we also had a good talk about glass and how careful we should be when using it.


Glass Jars
(Note: Don’t be afraid of glass! One of the biggest things with Montessori is using aesthetically pleasing supplies; the sun shining through a plastic container would not look nearly as nice.)
Food coloring
(Note: you only need the 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue) don’t be a dummy like me and pre-make green….DUH!)

What you might want:
A dropper of some sort (turkey baster, eye dropper)
(Note: this would probably keep this a color activity instead of turning it into a pouring activity)

What was supposed to happen was:
Take one color and add to empty jar
Take second color add it to jar.
Presto change-o you have a new color (ewwww ahhhhh)

What really happened :
Presto Change – O you have one color and a fun water mess to splash around.

I am not to concerned that the meaning of this activity was lost. In the end we had a lot of fun. We will revisit it again later, maybe with a dropper.

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