Tuesday, September 18, 2012

:::tap, tap::: is this thing on?

Hello Blog,

I want to post something. So I am.  I am feeling a blog re-do coming on soon.  Right! I know  great another random blog out on the intra-webs.  Seriously there are soooo many blogs how do people keep up?  Find a niche in the blog world?  Find the time to keep up?  I don't know.  I guess I will find out.

I have really wanted to talk more about homesteading with other people, mainly herbal medicines and home remedies.  I have resolved myself to not taking my kids to the doctors ever again. Ok, maybe not never, but only for serious, serious problems (i.e. broken bone).  Whats the point?  I have a scale, I can weigh the kids.  I can see them growing. I am capable of  monitoring  "milestones"  that they "should" be hitting.  Point being I know my kiddo's.  I don't need a Doctor to reaffirm what I already know.  So with no doctors and a hate for all things over the counter, what is one to do when little things pop up?  Fevers, rashes, bumps, general everyday kid aliments?   I am in the process of researching more.  I OVER research everything.  Get used to it and prepare yourself for a wealth of stolen information from around the web.

Another things I want to get into:
Emergency preparedness
Urban Chicken and duck raising
Canning and Fermenting
Crafty craftiness (EFFing Pinterest) I am thinking about hooking up with the Look what I did from Pinterest weekly challenges.
Financial fitness
more Montessori madness
cute pictures of my kids
general rants and raves

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