Thursday, November 20, 2008

One minute Writer #2

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today's Writing Prompt: First Day
Describe a "first day" in your life (first day of marriage, of school, at a new job, etc.)

The first day I decided to remain pregnant was a pretty overwhelming day. I decided from that day forward it wasn't about just me anymore. I started taking the steps to become the best Mom I could ever be. It is a day I will never forget or regret.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One Minute Writer

I stumbled across this blog today and decided to try it out. What a great concept. 1 minute - write. Sounds like fun to me! So here is my first go

One minute Writer - Today's Writing Prompt: Weekend
Write about something interesting that happened this weekend.

We spent this weekend it with my family in MD. The best part of the weekend was a family game of pictoinary. We are all so bad at drawing. We played with the challenge dice, so a lot of the time we had to draw with our eyes closed or left handed. We crack each other up.

Wow thats not much writting.....but good to get the motor going. More to come

Friday, November 14, 2008

Moment # 4

Things that only make sense to Tommy and I - 11/13 edition

"I got bitches in the living gettin on and they ain't leavin till 6 in the mornin"

Hallway hugs and High Fives

"You better keep your COLD ass feet on your side of the bed"

ME:"Wouldn't it be cool if we had a heated blanket that went over top of our bed heater, it would be like a giant sandwich maker" "mmm grilled cheese"
T:"Panini!! grilled chicken wrap!!!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moment # 3

Tommy and I signed up for spring classes last night. I am not fond of taking a ton of Internet classes. I don't learn with Internet classes. I am determined to make the most out of every class I am taking and learn the subject matter to the best of my ability. I figure why waste the time taking the class if you not going to get anything from it. That being said we were having a difficult time finding classes to fit our schedule. Tommy needs a couple Gen Ed classes to finish out his degree, and I need basically one of everything. What do a Physics major and an Education major have in common. History! Obviously we can't take the same lecture class together, unless the teachers are open to having a toddler area set up. And the classes we needed didn't work with the other classes we wanted to take. Leaving only the Internet class. Aghh!
After everything in me started protesting, but before I could say anything, Tommy just said "we will do it together"
Long story short, we signed up for it, and I had one of those:
We can do anything together! moments.

Moment # 2

Jake right now has 4 favorite books. When I say favorite I mean the books that we have to read OVER and OVER. Elmo's ABC book, Glasses for DW, Green Eggs and Ham, and Go dog Go. Now he has access to a ton of books, I have books everywhere in the house for him. Under the coffee table, in with his toys, on my bookshelf, at eye level in his room. But somehow we usually end up reading 1 if not all 4 of these books at least once a night. I'm OK with that! He enjoys reading and I love that. He is just getting to the point where he interacts (with some coaxing) with the books as we are reading them to him. EX: "Elmo loves apples" and he points to and says Apple, "Where are DW's Glasses?"

Last night we were reading Green eggs and Ham. He hardly interacts with this book, other then to say "Train- Choo choo..". As I am going though we start getting the:

"Would you eat them in a house?"
and Jake pipes up and says "Noooooo"
"Would you eat them with a mouse?"

The whole way though the book! He understands! Then we get to the end where the thing finally eats the green eggs..

"Say, I like Green eggs and ham!"
"and I would eat them blah blah"
"Uh huh (yes)"

He understands! With out coaxing! Awesome! Makes me feel like we are doing something right!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Moment #1

Last night Jake woke up around 10:30 or so. I tried to comfort him and put him back in his crib, but he wasn't having any of it. He wanted to be held. So I obliged, and took him to lay in my bed with me. Secretly that's what I think he wanted all along, who doesn't love a heated bed on a cold night. While we are laying there, I started rubbing he cheek with my finger, usually puts him right to sleep! It did, or I thought it did and I started drifting off myself. When I open my eyes he is looking right at me (both our heads on the pillow). I tell him "It's Ni night time buddy", and he takes his finger and starts rubbing my cheek. Talk about something to melt your heart.

My Moments

I think recently I have been taking a lot of the "good" things for granted. Sometimes we all (me) get so caught up in the day to day, that we let the good things go to the wayside and out of our brain.

I find myself being somewhat reflective almost daily. Once I get Jake off to bed, or I get home from class, or whenever I find that peaceful time. I sit outside with my coffee and go back over my day. Good things that have happened like something Jake did/learned/said, a moment between Tommy and I, Something funny my mom/sister/brother said...and even something that I did(shocking). But that's where it ends, and sometimes I need reminders of the "good" things.

So..Welcome to my moments. A simple way for me to jot down the "good" and a way not to forget. Not to take the place of regular blogging....just some notes to self to share with the world.