Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moment # 3

Tommy and I signed up for spring classes last night. I am not fond of taking a ton of Internet classes. I don't learn with Internet classes. I am determined to make the most out of every class I am taking and learn the subject matter to the best of my ability. I figure why waste the time taking the class if you not going to get anything from it. That being said we were having a difficult time finding classes to fit our schedule. Tommy needs a couple Gen Ed classes to finish out his degree, and I need basically one of everything. What do a Physics major and an Education major have in common. History! Obviously we can't take the same lecture class together, unless the teachers are open to having a toddler area set up. And the classes we needed didn't work with the other classes we wanted to take. Leaving only the Internet class. Aghh!
After everything in me started protesting, but before I could say anything, Tommy just said "we will do it together"
Long story short, we signed up for it, and I had one of those:
We can do anything together! moments.

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