Monday, November 10, 2008

My Moments

I think recently I have been taking a lot of the "good" things for granted. Sometimes we all (me) get so caught up in the day to day, that we let the good things go to the wayside and out of our brain.

I find myself being somewhat reflective almost daily. Once I get Jake off to bed, or I get home from class, or whenever I find that peaceful time. I sit outside with my coffee and go back over my day. Good things that have happened like something Jake did/learned/said, a moment between Tommy and I, Something funny my mom/sister/brother said...and even something that I did(shocking). But that's where it ends, and sometimes I need reminders of the "good" things.

So..Welcome to my moments. A simple way for me to jot down the "good" and a way not to forget. Not to take the place of regular blogging....just some notes to self to share with the world.

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