Monday, November 17, 2008

One Minute Writer

I stumbled across this blog today and decided to try it out. What a great concept. 1 minute - write. Sounds like fun to me! So here is my first go

One minute Writer - Today's Writing Prompt: Weekend
Write about something interesting that happened this weekend.

We spent this weekend it with my family in MD. The best part of the weekend was a family game of pictoinary. We are all so bad at drawing. We played with the challenge dice, so a lot of the time we had to draw with our eyes closed or left handed. We crack each other up.

Wow thats not much writting.....but good to get the motor going. More to come


C. Beth said...

I love Pictionary! :) Although if I had to draw with my left hand we might be in trouble....

Beth (The One-Minute Writer)

Angel said...

My family doesn't play pictionary nearly enough!! Thanks for such a cool blog idea. One minute Writer is great!