Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moment # 2

Jake right now has 4 favorite books. When I say favorite I mean the books that we have to read OVER and OVER. Elmo's ABC book, Glasses for DW, Green Eggs and Ham, and Go dog Go. Now he has access to a ton of books, I have books everywhere in the house for him. Under the coffee table, in with his toys, on my bookshelf, at eye level in his room. But somehow we usually end up reading 1 if not all 4 of these books at least once a night. I'm OK with that! He enjoys reading and I love that. He is just getting to the point where he interacts (with some coaxing) with the books as we are reading them to him. EX: "Elmo loves apples" and he points to and says Apple, "Where are DW's Glasses?"

Last night we were reading Green eggs and Ham. He hardly interacts with this book, other then to say "Train- Choo choo..". As I am going though we start getting the:

"Would you eat them in a house?"
and Jake pipes up and says "Noooooo"
"Would you eat them with a mouse?"

The whole way though the book! He understands! Then we get to the end where the thing finally eats the green eggs..

"Say, I like Green eggs and ham!"
"and I would eat them blah blah"
"Uh huh (yes)"

He understands! With out coaxing! Awesome! Makes me feel like we are doing something right!

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