Monday, December 29, 2008

Some Christmas Pictures

The Tree at 2:00am Christmas Morning....yeah we were still up
Some of those toys are not new....but the after math
The gear machine...HUGE HIT
Animal Train
We had a hard time getting him to unwrap presents once he saw the other toys

Oh the over stimulation....Grumpy McGrumpy pants later Christmas Day

Mommy's awesome presents....Rob Zombie autographed Halloween Sticker and a TOTAL SKULL HODDIE!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Moment # 8

Angel and Tommy - 12/17 edition

Shortly After Tommy came home from his final exam and I finished mine online
A: I finished my final...we are DONE!!
T: What do you want to do?
A: Wanna go to bed? (to sleep)
T: Yup!

We haven't gotten to bed before midnight in a long time. Being in bed at 10:00pm felt really good!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Moment # 7

This morning...oh this morning, what a dumb morning!

Any whoo

Jake decided to have a fit about his coat this morning. It wasn't his coat it was a hoddie, and he DID NOT what to wear it. He wanted his coat, which Daddy left at the sitters yesterday. The coat was not an option. Why is my moment about Jake's temper tantrum, well because in the middle of his fit, he walked his little butt straight back to his room, and started trying to get into his bed. "sleep, sleep"....
Oh buddy how we all want to go back to bed!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Moments #6

The ABC's

Jake - the kid blows my mind sometimes. Maybe its just me being new to this parent thing, but I didn't expect him to comprehend the alphabet so soon.

We have been reading a couple ABC books lately...and now he is pointing out letters everywhere. On his floor mat he just sits and points to all the different letters. On the ride home tonight he started yelling about letters on a billboard/sign. I have to say I am quite amazed.

He is picking things up so fast. His little mind fascinates me.

Yet all it takes to make him happy is a box with holes cut out:

My Moments #5

Angel and Tommy moment : Things only we understand

Domestic Violence over some brownies.
A: "Did you really just hit me over a brownie"
T: "Brownies are the only thing I will ever hit you over"
Tommy then proceeded to stuff a whole lot of brownie in his mouth at one time.
We are such Fat kids.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Minute Writer #3

Today's Writing Prompt: Scar story
from One Minute Writer by C. Beth

Share the story of how you got a scar (or any injury, even if a scar didn't result.)

My scar comes from being hit in the head with a door. When I was in High school I was trying to peak out the crack of a door before opening night of our school show "Little shop of Horrors". I was the costume and makeup director! I saw her coming I just didn't move soon enough. Then Blam! 4 stitches above my left eyebrow and I didn't get to do my costume changes.


101 Things to do with a toy drum?? Oh the things I walk in on :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

One minute Writer #2

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today's Writing Prompt: First Day
Describe a "first day" in your life (first day of marriage, of school, at a new job, etc.)

The first day I decided to remain pregnant was a pretty overwhelming day. I decided from that day forward it wasn't about just me anymore. I started taking the steps to become the best Mom I could ever be. It is a day I will never forget or regret.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One Minute Writer

I stumbled across this blog today and decided to try it out. What a great concept. 1 minute - write. Sounds like fun to me! So here is my first go

One minute Writer - Today's Writing Prompt: Weekend
Write about something interesting that happened this weekend.

We spent this weekend it with my family in MD. The best part of the weekend was a family game of pictoinary. We are all so bad at drawing. We played with the challenge dice, so a lot of the time we had to draw with our eyes closed or left handed. We crack each other up.

Wow thats not much writting.....but good to get the motor going. More to come

Friday, November 14, 2008

Moment # 4

Things that only make sense to Tommy and I - 11/13 edition

"I got bitches in the living gettin on and they ain't leavin till 6 in the mornin"

Hallway hugs and High Fives

"You better keep your COLD ass feet on your side of the bed"

ME:"Wouldn't it be cool if we had a heated blanket that went over top of our bed heater, it would be like a giant sandwich maker" "mmm grilled cheese"
T:"Panini!! grilled chicken wrap!!!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moment # 3

Tommy and I signed up for spring classes last night. I am not fond of taking a ton of Internet classes. I don't learn with Internet classes. I am determined to make the most out of every class I am taking and learn the subject matter to the best of my ability. I figure why waste the time taking the class if you not going to get anything from it. That being said we were having a difficult time finding classes to fit our schedule. Tommy needs a couple Gen Ed classes to finish out his degree, and I need basically one of everything. What do a Physics major and an Education major have in common. History! Obviously we can't take the same lecture class together, unless the teachers are open to having a toddler area set up. And the classes we needed didn't work with the other classes we wanted to take. Leaving only the Internet class. Aghh!
After everything in me started protesting, but before I could say anything, Tommy just said "we will do it together"
Long story short, we signed up for it, and I had one of those:
We can do anything together! moments.

Moment # 2

Jake right now has 4 favorite books. When I say favorite I mean the books that we have to read OVER and OVER. Elmo's ABC book, Glasses for DW, Green Eggs and Ham, and Go dog Go. Now he has access to a ton of books, I have books everywhere in the house for him. Under the coffee table, in with his toys, on my bookshelf, at eye level in his room. But somehow we usually end up reading 1 if not all 4 of these books at least once a night. I'm OK with that! He enjoys reading and I love that. He is just getting to the point where he interacts (with some coaxing) with the books as we are reading them to him. EX: "Elmo loves apples" and he points to and says Apple, "Where are DW's Glasses?"

Last night we were reading Green eggs and Ham. He hardly interacts with this book, other then to say "Train- Choo choo..". As I am going though we start getting the:

"Would you eat them in a house?"
and Jake pipes up and says "Noooooo"
"Would you eat them with a mouse?"

The whole way though the book! He understands! Then we get to the end where the thing finally eats the green eggs..

"Say, I like Green eggs and ham!"
"and I would eat them blah blah"
"Uh huh (yes)"

He understands! With out coaxing! Awesome! Makes me feel like we are doing something right!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Moment #1

Last night Jake woke up around 10:30 or so. I tried to comfort him and put him back in his crib, but he wasn't having any of it. He wanted to be held. So I obliged, and took him to lay in my bed with me. Secretly that's what I think he wanted all along, who doesn't love a heated bed on a cold night. While we are laying there, I started rubbing he cheek with my finger, usually puts him right to sleep! It did, or I thought it did and I started drifting off myself. When I open my eyes he is looking right at me (both our heads on the pillow). I tell him "It's Ni night time buddy", and he takes his finger and starts rubbing my cheek. Talk about something to melt your heart.

My Moments

I think recently I have been taking a lot of the "good" things for granted. Sometimes we all (me) get so caught up in the day to day, that we let the good things go to the wayside and out of our brain.

I find myself being somewhat reflective almost daily. Once I get Jake off to bed, or I get home from class, or whenever I find that peaceful time. I sit outside with my coffee and go back over my day. Good things that have happened like something Jake did/learned/said, a moment between Tommy and I, Something funny my mom/sister/brother said...and even something that I did(shocking). But that's where it ends, and sometimes I need reminders of the "good" things.

So..Welcome to my moments. A simple way for me to jot down the "good" and a way not to forget. Not to take the place of regular blogging....just some notes to self to share with the world.

Friday, October 31, 2008



Dead Cheerleader

That's Mr Rob Zombie to you!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Teaching the kiddo

I have recently become very interested in different teaching methods for toddlers/preschoolers. For obvious reasons.

I have been working on making the most of the time we do have together, being less restrictive, and letting Jake explorer and learn in his own ways. But at the same time providing him with some structured activities. Essentially methods to the madness.

The way I understand it - learn by playing, doing, not lecture. Allow for creativity, free thought, and experimentation. All the while making sure that the resources available serve a propose and that you are available to help and explain if need be.

We have a Montessori school right around the corner. The are a bit pricey, but I have them sending me info and they offer aid. Sooo I definitely need to do my homework and make sure its the right fit for us as a preschool. Check um out

Reading up on this teaching method has been pretty inspiring. Granted I have just been doing some Internet searching. Montessori books are one the amazon wish list this year for Christmas.

Jake and I have been quite the crafty duo lately. Thanks to all the wonderful blogs to the right. I started a couple weeks ago doing a color of the week. I was looking for something to fill the time between when we got home and before we ate dinner. We started by learning the sign for the color of the week, then we went to color collages, painting with one color, searching the house for color, sorting color all sorts of things. Jake gets so excited now when he tells you about blue or red. BLUE!!!! that all I here some nights. I love it. I have some ideas for things I want to make, clothing boards, activity bags, felt boards...omg the things I have planned :). Poor Tommy.


working on a red color collage


Finger Painting with BLUE!!

This I think is also helping in the area of discipline. Not Jake so much but me. Working with him more and having controlled projects and play helps me not yell "no, no, no don't touch that, stop that, JAKE" . I mean I still do. We haven't go the whole positive discipline things down yet. Me being a mommy is still a work in progress. Patience is not one of my strong suits and Jake is a normal toddler with an attention span of a flea. I see a lot of parents that take toddler hood as a miserable time in their life. Oh the terrible twos...etc. I take pride what my child is a curious little boy. He is full of energy, playful, loving, adventurous and not a Satan spawn on a rampage of destruction.

Please don't get me wrong. I don't have every hour of every day planned with some sort of activity, or learning experience. I have to get things done too. But I am definitely out of the mind set of just entertaining the beast until nap time.

Jake, Tommy and I we do what we do. If that's just a walk around the block with a few pit stops to stare at the clouds, birds, or trees then that's what it is.

Anyway more Pictures.

I LOVE HALLOWEEN!! So our crafts lately our Halloween based. Halloween crafts, Halloween books, pumpkins, bats, witches, ghosts....did I mention I love Halloween. So here are the projects we have done thus far. Thanks to No Time for Flashcards for the ideas!!!

Markers are always a hit. Making the background for his hand bat.

Painting with pumpkins

Pumpkin Prints

We have done a couple more different things, I just didn't get the camera out soon enough.

Bottom line, we are having fun!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Daily Horoscope for Gemini - Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You may feel a bit restricted in your ability to control your own destiny today, especially if you want to travel or spend more time learning. Your attraction to increasing your knowledge through education or direct experience can run into the hard, cold truth of your family and fiscal commitments. Don't take your frustration out on anyone else. Work with what you have for now and consider changes down the road.

Email from Tommy this morning-

Thomas Carlson to me
show details
7:35 am (47 minutes ago)

you seem extremely overwhelmed, stressed. I'll be on around 9, lets talk

I guess it's time to re-evaluate....

I should be able to make a real post later

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New pics

It started out as us both reading the newspaper(couldn't get the camera out fast enough), then he got bored with the paper and moved to seed catalogs....yumm squash
If he wasn't a Rock Star he wouldn't be my boyfriend

Come here and give your mother a kiss!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'll have what he's having....

Dear James,

You know how we had that convo last week about you and your need to motivate? and how I yelled at you and told you to get your shit together? Yeah...Tonight I am in need of one of those talks. Lets make that happen soon...I need some good motivation.


I feel like shit!! I have had this weird non sinus, sinus drainage thing going on for like 4 or 5 days now and a pretty good fever. yuck! Thursday I took off work and slept ALL day. OK from like 8 to 2 but still. I am sitting here now blogging instead of working on my paper that is due Wednesday or reading anything...I can't focus at all tonight. I think I might call it a night and bust ass tomorrow and get shit done!

I bought an acorn squash this weekend just because I have never had acorn squash before. Really the little things in life make all the difference.

Tommy's grandma passed away this weekend. He seems pretty bummed. I think we are going out to Chicago next week. I have never been. I hope Jake does OK on a plane.

Makes me miss my grandma.

Tasha bridal shower was fun. All of her and Mark's family think I am some sort of bad ass. Makes me giggle. I had to admit to my Mom a couple of things I had done today. Like the liquor we stole(from her) for senior week and hid in the spare tire compartment of my trunk. I'm 24 you can't ground me now! "Oh I've heard about you" that's all I heard today. I bought Tasha a bunch of naughty present didn't get opened in front of everyone :) God I hope I never have to open lingerie that my mother in law gives to me as a gift. WEIRD!

We took our second trip to Maymont ( Saturday. I LOVE Maymont!! Tommy and I got quite the workout while Jake got to explore the park. There is SO much there to do, its 10 minutes away and its free. LOVE IT! I want to work there. I would pick up trash as long as I got to wander around the park all day. I check like 3 times a week for job openings at the park. One day.......

I promised myself I would get to bed by 11 tonight. I got 5 minutes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

things I need to do

Courses and Education

Upcoming Course in Fall 2008:

Introduction to Permaculture: Sustainability Strategies for the Blue Ridge This 3 day Introduction to Permaculture workshop will focus on basic principles and strategies to live more sustainably in your home, neighborhood or community. The course will be held on October 31 st - November 2 nd, 2008 near Charlottesville Virginia. Workshop topics will include permaculture ethics and principles, observation and patterns in nature, and permaculture strategies to improve soil, grow food, harvest water, utilize renewable energy and regenerative building techniques, and build sustainable communities.

The course is offered through the Blue Ridge Permaculture Institute, and will be a hands-on, intensive weekend training workshop. The cost for the course is a sliding scale, $195-$250, and limited work-trade positions are available. For more information, contact Terry Lilley at Click here to access a PDF document, which is the application form with additional information.

any one got a couple hundred dollars of so I can have?? Damnit!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

randomness of the evening

I don't really feel like getting into a long essay like post this evening. My brain is just not there. Here is where I am at:

I am really into this song -
Marc Broussard 'Lonely Night In Georgia' (

I made Pepper sauce tonight for dinner. Out of The New Enchanted Broccoli Forest (http://http// I thought it was pretty yummy! I think it could of been better with some feta, but I like feta in anything. We added flank steak to the recipe. Tommy is not down with my idea of having 1 or 2 vegetarian meals a week for dinner(starting slow). "I like meat!" so Jake and I will be going at it without him. I am pretty sure he will come around once he sees the wonderfulness that I will be producing! I don't think I could handle being full fledged vegetarian. The reason I want to start incorporating more full vegetarian meals into our diet is because I want to live out of our garden most of the year if not all year, and we don't have seeds that grow cows or pigs. I am looking into the cost benefits of buying a whole cow at a time. To help Tommy satisfy his love affair with red meat. We have a farm close by(Brookview Farm - ) that has grass feed certified organic beef for purchase and I was told that they would sell me a cow at a time. all I need is a deep freezer. $$$. I wonder if my landlord would go in with me on getting a couple of cows. I need milk too, and a goat so Jake could have milk (lactose intolerant) He already said I could get chickens!! We need to start working on our chicken tractor! ( I am more excited about having chickens then you would believe...DORK! Bill my landlord, was excited and a little nervous after I showed him my permaculture plan from class last semester. I showed him just because I was proud of it, but he thinks its my plan for the yard. I'm going with it, I glad he is so open to what I want to do!

Tuesday I ventured into chemical free skin care. Oatmeal Orange face wash. Good stuff! Ground Oatmeal and Orange Peel that's it! I dried the orange peel in the oven, made the house smell lovely! if it can handle the oil slick that is my skin then its damn good! My skin is very soft... and smells great.

The farmers market is not a grocery store. People that act like it is irk me. Tell me where bananas grow in VA or why vendors have Dole bananas for sale in the first place. Also just because it's local doesn't mean it's grown organic. Talk to your farmers! ask them about their farms! support Local Organic growers!

I want an ibook.

My family is falling to pieces. I read a quote today out of Skirt magazine( "Drop out of family drama and let them work it out or go to war without you." Sorry everyone, but that just about sums up how I feel about it. Selfish, maybe to you, but to me and my sanity it is the best remedy. I will be here to support and love you, but I will not give up my life, my focus, or my happiness any longer.

That's about all I got for tonight. I need to get some rest.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My new favorite pics of Jake

If only I had a video camera while in the car. He was singing and dancing with the glasses like this the whole time. Hilarious!!

When I get some time I want to get in and clean this photo up a little. I love the feeling of this photo. Somewhat magical.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Incorherent Babble

Ahh me time! That's a phrase you don't hear out of my mouth often. Life, this crazy wonderful life, just doesn't allow for that much “me time”. So I am taking it! Without asking, without worries, and without constraints. It is what it is.

Allow me so set the scene -
On the media player – Carbon Leaf -Shine
“and I'd like to change the world, its easier then changing me

My house – Laundry on the couch as always to fold, and since it's raining laundry hanging over the vents, in the windows and on my closet doors to dry. Rain won't stop me from not using the dryer!

Jake decided that before bed, after we did the clean up song twice, that the crayons needed to be on the floor. Time to color, not go to bed. I went with it, I like to color too!

Dinner – I put what leftovers we had in the fridge, started to clean up the dishes, but stopped to give Jake a bath, do the brush teeth song, the clean up song (twice) and read. Coloring, reading and singing are a big deal in our world.

As for me – I'm still sporting the work clothes, drinking coffee, leg up, kicked back in the computer chair. Zoning in and out of this while listening to the shuffle on the media player. Tommy is at school, Jake is off to dream land, and I am taking what time I can get. Sure I could/should be packing my lunch, reading my school books, laundry, dishes, showers, papers, whatever.....but I'm not gonna do it, not yet at least. I have made myself a promise. Just take some time to write it out, whatever “it” is, and clear my head. So much is going on up there that some clarity is needed. Even if it is only incoherent ramblings to everyone else.

I rationalize blogging as a way to help me with the writing process. A way to help me with essay writing. For those of you that know me you know that my mind is all over the place ALL the time. My writing usually comes out that way too. I have a hard time keeping organized all that thoughts I want to get across, turning most of my papers (to me) into an unorganized mess. The point here is that I need a reason in my mind to make time to “blog” and if I make it about school and essay writing I can justify it. Also I just need an outlet for the randomness that is my mind

So where to begin this blogging thing......

I started school this week. Principals of Horticulture on Monday nights, 4 season food production on Wednesday nights and an on line IT class to start to fill some of the Horticulture degree requirements. I am worried about taking 3 class, and then again not worried at all. With the mindset I have been in this last year, I feel like I can kick the worlds ass and take names. I am so in the lets get this shit done mood, its not even funny. I think/know Jake has a ton to do with that. He is such a motivator for me. No more playing around, do something, be something, take it on.

I'm not really sure where I am going with this school thing just yet. I mean I have my ideas, but as for jobs after its over, I'm not really sure where my degree(s) will take me. The community college I go to offers a standard Associates of science in Horticulture. They also have certificate programs in Sustainable Agriculture and Landscape design. Then there is a transfer program that I can do, that is an accelerated masters program, where at the community college level I would get an associates of science, transfer to VCU and work towards a bachelors of Science and with in a year of that have a Masters in Environmental Science. Got all that? Right good.

So now here is what I want to do. I want it all. Most of all I want both certificates in sustainable ag and Landscape desgin. Why? My first thought upon entering school was that I would like to be involved in helping young families (such as my own) learn to live more sustainable on what little land, decks, back porches they had. Sustainability can be accomplished on a budget, on rented land, on your terms etc. I thought about becoming an ext agent and holding classes, writing about and teaching on sustainability. To become an ext agent you need a masters in your field. Hence the masters program.

They landscape design aspect came into play after I read more about Permacultue. I love Bill Mollison ( Permaculture fascinates me. Basically it is putting into place systems, not just food systems, that make your land work for you, and those systems work for and make better use of the land. I love the idea of using all of your space(ie front yard, back yard, roof,) to grow food and materials for your family. Screw having a perfect lawn. Grey water systems, chicken tractors...see what I mean about rambling. Back to what I want to be doing. I would love to be involved in Community projects that set out and revitalize existing neighbor hoods and city's making them as sustainable as possible. See where the design comes into play. There is also opportunities around the country to become certified in Permaculture design. Which I plan on getting in to once it is financially possible ;).

VCU also has a degree program for Urban studies. Which is pretty self explanatory, the study and design of urban areas.. So this is where I confuse myself. Do I work towards the generic associates(with both certificates)/bachelors of science, and go for my Masters in Environmental Science. Or do I work toward a associates of science in Horticulture still getting both certificates (making me an expert in plants), go towards my Bachelors in Urban studies, and THEN go after a masters. Meaning I would not be in an accelerated masters program. And after all that would I be able to get a job? And what would I do? The things I want to get into all seem like pipe dreams right now (remember radio school). Good intentions only get you so far.

I really need to sit down with an advisor at the college, hash all of this out. Don't get me wrong I KNOW I have a lot of school to get though and I am ok with that. I realize that I will not have all of this tomorrow, and next year, hell next week, my plans could change. I am more relaxed about all of this then you think. I am enjoying the whole process and learning SO SO much. Even if after all of this if, if all I accomplish is providing a healthier life for my family, reduce my impact on the world I am leaving behind for Jake, and show my neighbors a few things I will be fulfilled.

I am taking much more time to just enjoy the beauty that is my life and the world around me. Learning to be content with whereever it may lead me.

Now I am going to go enjoy some time with my love....”me” time was excellent. Hope to do it again sometime.